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C ইউনিট || ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2004


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See the word in the dictionary
Loop up the word in the dicrionary
Find out the word in the dictionary
Pick up the word in the dictionary
the life of a beggar
miserable life
very cafeful
most careful
more careful
শ্রমিকেরা ধর্মঘট প্রত্যাহার করেছে
শ্রমিকেরা ধর্মঘট ডেকেছে
শ্রমিকেরা ধর্মঘটে আছে
শ্রমিকেরা ধর্মঘট পালন করছে
A bad workman quarrels with his tools
A bad dancer qurrels with adudience
The courtryard is not suitable for daning
The courtryard is not suitable for dancing
name of two gentlemen
name of two brothers
blood relations
Honey is sweet when it is tasted
Honey is sweeted
It is very sweet because of honey
Honey is very sweet
The boy is like his father
The boy is same as his father
The boy resembles his father
The boy resembles his father
Did I do the work
Do I do the work
Do I did the work
Have I done the work
He is older than me for two years
He is older than me by two years
He is older than me two years
He is older than me because of two years
All that glitters is not gold
All those glitter are not gold
All which glitter are not gold
All which glitters is not gold